Or as we like to call it, hospiceaidehub.calm.

Our mission is to provide convenient and affordable quality education specifically for hospice aides and LTC/home health aides caring for hospice patients to promote the highest standards of care and compliance. Each course meets Medicare-required and 1.0 hour aide inservices for:


Long-term Care Facilities

Home Health Agencies

As valued members of the interdisciplinary team, hospice aides are essential to the care, support, and education of patients, families, and caregivers. Hospice Aide Hub is dedicated to the care, support, and education of hospice aides.

New and seasoned hospice aides will find the in-services informative, thought-provoking, and within their scope of practice. For hospice educators they are organized and ready to use, easy to download, and great timesavers. Hospice organizations meet compliance guidelines and save money too.

Our courses are created from extensive experience in hospice care with expertise in the areas of clinical practice, education, and management. Each module takes approximately one hour to complete and a variety of topics are available. Special requests for topics are welcome as well as feedback on current topics.

In addition to providing education, our goal is to inspire self-care and mind-body-spirit wellness. We invite you to grow with us and look forward to serving you.

Pick a course now. You know you want to.
