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Preventing Pressure Ulcers
Overview & Objectives
The key for hospice aides regarding pressure ulcers is to do as much as possible to prevent them from forming and allowing existing pressure ulcers to get worse. This module discusses the role of hospice aides within their scope of practice. It includes sections on the skin (integumentary system), the most common causes, and stages of pressure ulcers that hospice aides should be observing for when providing personal care to the hospice patient. It covers the elements that should be reported to the nurse and education for caregivers, as well as the reasons why hospice patients are at higher risk for pressure ulcers. This module contains the following learning objectives:
- Review characteristics and functions of skin (integumentary system)
- List the most common causes of pressure ulcers in hospice patients
- List pressure points where pressure ulcers are most likely to occur
- Discuss the signs and symptoms of early stage pressure ulcers
- Describe the actions hospice aides can take to prevent pressure ulcers
- Review examples of devices/products used to prevent and treat pressure ulcers
- Self-study Section
- Module Extra: Pressure Ulcer Devices/Products
- Test Questions
- Instructor Answer Key
- Attendance Sheet
- Evaluation Form
- Certificate of Attendance