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Cultural Diversity in Mourning
Overview & Objectives
The United States is a virtual melting pot of different cultures, customs, and belief systems. This inservice is a general overview of mourning traditions across a variety of cultures commonly served in hospice. It covers American populations of Asians, Hispanics, Africans, Haitians, Europeans, Native Americans, and traditional American customs. It also includes the most common religious beliefs within these cultures. It serves as a reference for hospice aides, but also acknowledges variations as a result of blended communities. All cultural expectations should be verified with the patient or family. This module contains the following learning objectives:
- Review the nature of mourning
- Discuss cultural differences among different populations served in hospice
- Identify religious influences in cultural mourning
- Review the hospice aide’s role in supporting cultural differences
- Learning Module
- Group Exercise: What is Your Heritage?
- Test Questions
- Instructor Answer Key
- Attendance Sheet
- Evaluation Form
- Certificate of Attendance