The Facts About Ebola

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Even though the likelihood of having an Ebola patient on hospice is unlikely because of the swiftness of the disease and the need to be quarantined, all healthcare workers should still be informed about the disease and how to prevent … Continued

Hospice Spotlight: Rainbow Hospice

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Rainbow Hospice of Jefferson, Wisconsin, has been honoring their hospice aides every June for 37 years. ?See their special tribute and wonderful description of hospice aides that was posted for National Nursing Assistant’s Week 2014. ?We think it captures the … Continued

Dr. Maya Angelou Tribute

posted in: Hospice Care | 0

Beloved poet, author, teacher, and civil rights activist, Dr. Maya Angelou died today. ?Our hearts go out to her family, friends, and followers. ?She was an extraordinary woman with amazing talents revealed by her fierce yet humble persona. ?She was … Continued

Modules & CEU’s

posted in: Hospice Care | 0

One of the goals of Hospice Aide Hub in-services is to increase the likelihood that each module would be accepted as 1.0 CEU for CNA’s by state licensing boards.? Since there is no national accrediting organization for nurse?s aide continuing … Continued